Filmul lui Radu Muntean conduce in clasamentul intermediar FIPRESCI
Cu doar patru zile inainte de a afla care sunt castigatorii editiei de anul acesta a Festivalului de Film de la Cannes, UN ETAJ MAI JOS, cel mai nou film al regizorului Radu Muntean se afla pe prima pozitie in clasamentul intermediar al FIPRESCI (Federatia Internationala a Criticilor de Film) in sectiunea sa, cu 3,88 stele
Pelicula a avut premiera mondiala pe 14 mai a.c., in sectiunea Un Certain Regard a Festivalului (selectie oficiala).
Juriul Criticilor FIPRESCI acorda anual trei premii, pentru cate un film din fiecare sectiune internationala – Competitie, Un Certain Regard si Quinzaine des Realisateurs. Criticii de film sunt invitati sa acorde filmelor din cele trei sectiuni mentionate mai sus de la 1 la 5 stele, 5 stele urmand sa fie acordate celui mai bun film.
Nu numai criticii de film, ci si presa internationala lauda noul lung metraj al lui Muntean. Despre Un Etaj Mai Jos au avut cuvinte de lauda mai toate marile publicatii ale lumii, de la Variety, Screen International si The Hollywood Reporter pana la Le Monde, Positif sau Le Figaro.
Radu Muntean este la a treia selectie la Cannes. Dupa ce, in 2008, a fost invitat in Quinzaine des Realisateurs cu filmul BOOGIE, Muntean a revenit in 2010 cu MARȚI, DUPĂ CRĂCIUN, de data acesta in selectie oficiala, sectiunea Un Certain Regard. UN ETAJ MAI JOS– cel de-al cincilea lung-metraj al regizorului, este prezent, la editia din acest an, tot in sectiunea Un Certain Regard.
Nu au lipsit comparatiile – fie cu filmul de deschidere – AN, r. Naomi Kawase, fie cu Alfred Hitchcock si al sau Rear Window, fie cu Irrational Man, filmul lui Woody Allen, prezentat Out-of-Competition la editia de anul acesta a festivalului.
Variety (Jay Weissberg), May 14, 2015 http://variety.com/2015/film/festivals/one-floor-below-review-cannes-1201496233/
What works so well in “One Floor Below” is how Muntean sets this dilemma off against the Patrascus’ daily existence: They have friends and family, Olga helps Matei with his math homework, Sandu enters Jerry in a canine contest. At the registration office the people know and like him; he has a sense of humor — his private phone ring is a recording of Ceaucescu’s voice. Is a sense of societal responsibility a necessary component of a decent fellow? […]
The script’s ability to keep all these ideas in play while maintaining a satisfyingly low-key approach speaks to its strengths, reinforced by the way the camera constantly privileges Sandu with frequent shallow focus and lighting. Corban, still best known for “12:08 East of Bucharest,” warrants the camera’s attention, delivering a performance in which the interior struggles exist just under the skin.
Screen International (Lee Marshall) http://m.screendaily.com/5087528.article
One Floor Below quietly builds into a devastating portrait of a weak man and the weak society he represents, both of which have lost their moral compasses. […] Distributors stirred by Muntean’s last feature, the simmering adultery drama Tuesday, After Christmas, should take a look at this Un Certain Regard contender, which makes up in thematic richness what it lacks in dramatic muscle. […] In the end, the most impressive thing about One Floor Below is the way it toys with our naïve faith in a narrative of justice and the myth of the conflicted man who must eventually do the right thing. DoP Lucaciu uses shallow focus effectively as a metaphor for this society’s moral short-sightedness, and bright daylight shots as a counterpoint to the fog inside.
Așteptăm cu emoție ziua de duminică pentru a afla dacă Radu Muntean și Corneliu Porumboiu vor aduce un nou premiu cinematografiei românești.